
Transportation Sustainable transportation meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. -Our Common Future (Brundtland Report) We provide high quality translations to leading transportation companies and have a strong interest in the quality of your rail, airport, toll-road, and highway construction projects. Your goal of fostering a fast, efficient, accessible, and convenient transportation system is commendable. TBD has significant capability for and a history of working with government, non-profit, and private companies in the transportation industry. For instance, we provide Spanish translation for all of the Monterey Salinas Transit system (MST). We translate marketing brochures, bus schedules, fares, routes, announcements, to name a few. Additionally, we interpret for community meetings for the Los Angeles transportation corridor in Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, Spanish, and more.

We specialize in these types of document translation and interpretation. Here are some examples:

  • Light rail pamphlets and CDs
  • Transit alternatives surveys
  • Highway construction equipment
  • Toll road powerpoint presentations
  • Interpretation for high speed rail conferences and product launches
  • Airport runway research
  • Transportation corridor newsletters
  • Interpretation for transportation meetings and appointments
  • BART handbooks and brochures